Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A Balanced Life

Proverbs 11:1 A False balance is abomination to the Lord: but a just weight is his delight.

 I constantly struggle with maintaining proper balance in my life, do you? Maybe everyone has at  least one area in his/her life that tends to get out of balance. For some it may be spending, shopping, TV, gaming, internet, etc.  I don't know - I probably struggle with most of those at sometime - throw in there reading too much too -  but I most often tend to let work consume too many hours and too many thoughts in my day. After all, I tell myself we have financial obligations so I need to do a good job; but the truth is I just put a lot of unnecessary pressure on myself. I know God has a perfect plan for us and part of that plan is to be happy. When I don't follow that plan and make choices that aren't good for me I won't as happy I could be. The truth is balance takes work; balance happens on purpose by making good choices - the right choices. Proverbs is full of advice of making good choices for our lives.
Do you struggle to maintain a balanced life too? What will do this year to keep balance in your life? What are your favorite tips?


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